Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma is one of the most common forms of trauma that almost every client I’ve encountered has experienced. Are you struggling with:

  • post-traumatic stress

  • suicide ideation

  • fear of abandonment

  • relationship issues

  • friendship issues

  • emotional reactivity

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • stressful relations with parents or family members

If you answered yes to any of these, chances are you have experienced childhood trauma at the hands of either a caregiver or as a result of complex traumatic experiences in childhood. As a trauma therapist through the life span, attachment or connection is vital to our development for a successful adulthood later in life. What happens in our childhood sets the tone for our adulthood. Without the core dimensions of structure, nurture, age appropriate challenge, and caregiver engagement, our nervous system cannot function at its optimal level as an adult. There are key pieces missing that we may lack.

I’m here to process with childhood trauma survivors and giving their inner child a voice. Together, we can connect with the inner self and create a space of compassion for the childhood we never got, but ultimately deserved.